Biofilter system in oil and petrochemical industry
Wastewater of oil and petrochemical industries have a huge collection of different types of pollutants. Some of the most important pollutants in petrochemical waste are solid and colloid particles, bad-smelling gases that occur due to the decomposition of organic materials and dissolved gases in the waste, carbohydrates, Detergents, dyes, proteins, types of fats, chlorides, heavy metals, nitrogen, phosphorus, carbon dioxide, ammonia, and methane are indicated to cause increased COD and BOD and should be removed by filtering. Removal of various groups of polluting materials in the waste of petrochemical industries can ultimately increase their quality to a desirable level and can use as water for agricultural fields. With these solutions, not only environmental pollution is prevented, but water consumption is also saved to a great extent. In order to treat the waste of oil and petrochemical industries, different physical, chemical and biological steps are needed, including physical removal of particles, degreasing, coagulation and biofilter.
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