Showing 13–20 of 20 results

Resin water softener system

Resin softener (mechanical softener or ion-exchange softener) is the most common softener in market, which reduces hardness of water by reducing calcium and magnesium; usually are used for industrial, residential and business uses.

Slaughterhouse wastewater treatment system

Sewage of slaughterhouses have very high dose of pollutants and main organic compounds of mostly consist of blood, entrails, fecal and urinal contents, lipids, undigested foods, suspended materials, soluble proteins and particles. Slaughterhouse waste contains significant amounts of primary nutrients including phosphorus, nitrogen, potassium, COD, BOD, microbial pollutants and heavy metals, which are dangerous pollutants in water systems. In traditional methods Concrete ponds is used with or without aeration that this method cannot properly treat and purify such wastes. PGA biofiltration , using a combination system physical, chemical and biological methods based on biofilter is capable of purifying of sewage of slaughterhouse up to the standards of the Environmental Protection Organization and can be used again.

Soil washing

The ever-increasing growth of industrial activities has caused the entry of various types of pollutants, including petroleum compounds and pesticides, into the environment, including soil.

Textile wastewater treatment system

Textile and dyeing industries are one the largest consumers in the world, so they produce huge amount of wastewater and this wastewater have wide range of pollutants such as pigments and auxillary materials like dispersants, homogenizers, carriers, salts, acids, alkalis, and sometimes heavy metals. Similar to most industrial waste treatment packages, there are two main steps in textile and dyeing waste treatment. chemical and physical treatment and then biological treatment (biofilter). In the physical and chemical phase of purification the first step is adjusting the pH in neutral range, and then due to the high turbidity the chemical coagulation method is used to remove the pigments and suspended particles. In the last step an aerobic biofilter stage is used to remove the remaining materials. The image of a textile wastewater treatment system with a capacity of 100 cubic meters per day is shown below.

Treatment of Municipal sewage

Treatment of Municipal sewage

According to the urgent need for urban and domestic waste treatment, many methods have been investigated and done, among the most important of these methods are activated sludge, extensive aeration, MBBR, MBR, and SBR.

Wastewater treatment system for leather industries

Biofilter system in leather industry
Leather industries have high water consumption so they release enormous wastewater in environment, and usually have high amount of BOD, COD, TDS, sulfide, ammonium, nitrate and heavy metals such as chrome, industrial salts, organic compounds and skin waste. In case that this waste enters into the environment without treatment, it causes severe damage to the environment. PGA biofiltration, using a combination system physical, chemical and biological methods based on biofilter is capable of purifying of sewage of leather industry up to the standards of the Environmental Protection Organization and can be used again.

Wastewater treatment system of alcohol factory

Wastewater of alcohol factories and other factories that use molasses as primary substance, because of high organic load, high amount of BOD (about 50000) and COD (about 100000), colored sewage and existence of toxic compounds like phenol, are not able to dispose directly and cause a major environmental concern. Chemical-physical methods such as surface absorption, membrane processes, ion exchange and chemical oxidation are not economical for treatment of these types of wastewater. PGA biofiltration, using a combination system physical, chemical and biological methods based on biofilter is capable of purifying of sewage of leather industry up to the standards of the Environmental Protection Organization and can be used again.